Unlock Your Potential

Our expert recruiters match your skills with the perfect opportunities, helping you reach new heights in your career.

Connect with Opportunity

Join our network of top-tier employers and talented professionals. Let us bridge the gap between talent and opportunity for you.

Your Career, Our Priority

At our recruitment agency, your goals are our goals. We're dedicated to guiding you toward fulfilling career paths that align with your aspirations.

Empowering Success Together

Partner with us to navigate the ever-evolving job market. Together, we'll pave the way for your professional success with personalized guidance and support.

Govt. Lic. No: 1578/079/80

Introduction to Recruitment Partners

Employing people throughout the years

Recruitment Partners has played a fundamental role in the communities where our employees, live and work. Due to our working relationship with hundreds of employers, we are uniquely positioned to help countless underprivileged individuals, develop new job skills and eliminate barriers to employment, making it possible to find sustainable employment opportunities. We maintain a data bank of different professions; undertake different tests and interviews on each candidates’ qualification, work experience and capabilities. Those who are well qualified and meet the job descriptions are considered for recommendation to the clients.

Mission, Vision & Objectives

Our Mission

We are committed to connecting great companies with great employees and opening up opportunities for both by providing the highest quality of outsourced employment and human resources services. Success for our customers is reached by empowering them to focus on what they do best.

Our Vision

We are devoted to remaining unsurpassed in customer satisfaction. We strive to maintain our reputation as;
>> Professional small business with principles and integrity.
>> Friendly organization that supports our communities.
>> Willing and trusted partner.
>> Generous organization, giving of time and resources.


>> To bridge up right man to the right job
>> Provision of competent Human Resource
>> To be the best solution for the human resources issues among employers and employees.

Notable Clients

Message from Recruitment Partners Pvt. Ltd.

We take pride in being the emerging vendor of outsourced manpower agency and wants to humbly thank all its national and international associates and clients for their trust and support.

Having been in the industry for over 1 year, we envision global prosperity as well as mutual welfare of both skilled Nepalese manpower and overseas business deprived of such talent.

Nepalese professionals are the most pursued in every sector globally, for their honesty, intellectual, technical, physical and adaptive abilities. We are confident of fulfilling every aspect of your manpower need, to your immense satisfaction. We are the most efficient, economic and responsible manpower from Nepal. With our style of operation, you can be assured of absolute confidentiality and promising results.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Job Categories

We supply

Business Consulting

Financial Advices

Analysis Consulting

Business Analysis

Business Consulting

Investment planning

Business Consulting

Market Research

New Demands